Electrode Arrays

Activus Probes

How would your experiments change if you had smaller, lighter-weight, simple-to-use packages for high-channel count probes? Activus probes empower you to scale up channel count with the added bonus of a better signal-to-noise ratio.

  • Virtually unlimited design space
  • Compatible with existing probe designs
  • Compatible with customized probe designs
  • Ultra-compact package
  • Improved signal-to-noise (SNR)
  • Multiplexed signals reduce connector size
  • Digitization close to signal source – leads to added protection against unwanted noise artifacts
  • Linear electrode arrays are the foundation for multichannel recordings. The laminar design allows for a longer area of coverage than a single tip site, and either facilitates or replaces the need for passage-type experiments. Linear electrode arrays fit the widest range of applications.
  • Edge sites are similar to the Linear layout, but electrode sites are strategically positioned at the edge of the substrate.
  • Tetrode is an arrangement of four electrode sites placed close together, allowing for high-quality cell discrimination in recordings.
  • Polytrode electrode site layouts come in two variations: Poly2 (two columns of sites), or Poly3 (three columns of sites). They have a mix of linear and tetrode benefits, with sites close enough together to allow a degree of multiple representations across different sites while sampling a larger space.
  • Multi-shank electrode arrays provide a two-dimensional representation of the brain. By controlling shank and site spacing, a more detailed understanding can be obtained of a larger space in the brain. Some multi-shank designs incorporate tetrode and polytrode site arrangements.


SmartLink/µHDMI: AV64, AV128, AV256

Intan/SPI: AVI64, AVI128



SmartLink/µHDMI: AVH64, AVH128, AVH256

Intan/SPI: AVIH64, AVIH128

  • Electrodes: All passive probes: 64, 128, 256 sites
  • Shanks: 1-16, all passive probe options
  • Shank Lengths: 1.5-15 mm, all passive probe options
  • Cable or no cable (Chronic & Acute)
  • Cable Length: 30 or 40 mm
  • SmartBox Pro Interface Connector
  • Open-ephys & Intan Interface Connector
  • Compatible with implantable microdrives
  • Compatible with NNx insertion assist devices

System Requirements

One of these three:

  • Smartbox Pro + Radiens Neuro-Analytics Suite
  • Open-Ephys DAQ System
  • Intan DAQ System