The IO expansion module augments XDAQ™ systems to integrate and/or control signals pertaining to other experiment peripherals.
Digital IN
Low: 0-0.4 V
High: 2.2-5.5 V
Digital OUT
Low: 0 V
High: 3.6 V
Analog IN
Low: -10 V
High: +10 V
Analog OUT
Request a quote for the IO Expander with your XDAQ™ Core or XDAQ™ One data acquisition system.
XDAQ IO Expander DB25 BNC breakout board
This is a panel-mountable BNC breakout board designed to provide convenient access to the digital IO signal at the rear of the XDAQ IO Expander.
Panel mountable BNC breakout board for easy access to the digital IO signal in the back of the XDAQ IO Expander.
XDAQ Brochure