Data Acquisition

X-Series: IO Expander

The IO expansion module augments XDAQ™ systems to integrate and/or control signals pertaining to other experiment peripherals.


IO Expander corner view

  • 24 Digital IN
  • 24 Digital OUT
  • 6 Analog IN
  • 6 Analog OUT
  • Powered by XDAQ™ system

Digital IN

Low: 0-0.4 V

High: 2.2-5.5 V

Digital OUT

Low: 0 V

High: 3.6 V

Analog IN

Low: -10 V

High: +10 V

Analog OUT

Low: -10 V

High: +10 V

Request a quote for the IO Expander with your XDAQ™ Core or XDAQ™ One data acquisition system.

XDAQ IO Expander DB25 BNC breakout board

This is a panel-mountable BNC breakout board designed to provide convenient access to the digital IO signal at the rear of the XDAQ IO Expander.

  • 6x Digital In
  • 6x Digital Out

Panel mountable BNC breakout board for easy access to the digital IO signal in the back of the XDAQ IO Expander.