
Radiens Analytics Suite

Radiens Analytics Suite


Radiens™ is the software solution for your research

The Radiens™ software platform will help keep your laboratory at the forefront amidst ever-changing experiment protocols, new technologies, and system components.   With Radiens upgradeability, ease in training and navigation, and a natural fit to open neuroscience workflows, you will have a secure and reliable resource that can be used by everyone in your research group – technicians, students, post-docs, and scientists – and that will support the progression of your research. 

Get the most out of your experiment

Centered on our core mission of providing tools and solutions to power significant and reproducible electrophysiology, Radiens Analytics Suite is built for performance.  We envision our customers being able to plug and play using the best available electrodes and system components at their maximum performance to get the most out of every preparation and experiment session.  With Radiens, you get quantitative real-time metrics on noise level, SNR, and response patterns for making critical in-the-moment adjustments to optimize recording quality and ensure data integrity.   You can immediately replay recordings to assess and confirm experimental conditions and responses.   You can visualize recordings via a fully registered interactive, 3D digital twin of the neural interface to gain both immediate and post—hoc insight into response patterns.  

One software platform at the center of your electrophysiology system

NeuroNexus believes that having one software platform at the center of the electrophysiology system is vital to a high-performing laboratory. Radiens provides a uniform interface, control, workflow, and terminology for data acquisition, early-stage analysis and visualization, and transition to study-specific analysis and data-presentation scripts. With one platform to learn, users can easily establish and reliably execute study protocols. PIs and lab managers can more easily verify that protocols are followed to keep studies moving forward efficiently and yielding significant, reproducible results.

Evolves with your research 

The Radiens software platform is always moving forward, growing, and transforming with the demands of neuroscience. With Radiens, you have a structured path for growing and updating both your hardware system and electrophysiology workflow over time. For example,  you can add a neural interfacing modality (i.e., optogenetics or electrical stimulation, surface recordings, etc.), behavioral instruments, or video capture. You could customize the workflow with a real-time Python script. Radiens handles the technical details so that you can focus on the science.

Completely customize to your research 

From data acquisition system selection to fine-tuning signal conditioning and triggering conditions, you are in complete control of tailoring the experimental protocol to meet study requirements. Radiens includes Python and Matlab APIs for programmatic control running alongside its built-in GUIs. Radiens helps to make the complex simple.  

Control, secure, and share your data

We recognize that your experimental data is paramount to the laboratory and to the career of each lab member. With Radiens, your data remains exactly where you want it and in the formats that you use regularly. Radiens fits easily with open neuroscience workflows. It creates dataset UIDs for complete data traceability. Radiens uses Python- and Matlabfriendly file formats and can also import and export many common file formats.

Radiens Analytics Suite software components

The Radiens Analytics Suite consists of three apps and one Python package that work together to span the Ephys workflow.

  • Allego provides DAQ hardware control along with real-time analytics and visualization of both neural recordings and an innovative digital twin model of the neural interface.
  • Curate provides curation of Ephys big data sets via an intuitive UI.
  • Videre provides file-based analysis and visualization of Ephys big data sets via an intuitive UI.
  • radiens is a professional-grade Python package that provides full programmatic control and extension of the apps via Python (and Matlab) scripts that can run alone or alongside the apps themselves.

All of these components are designed from the bottom up for performance, scalability, and upgradeability. They each run locally on lab workstations or laptops while also interacting with cloud components via a secure, industry-standard cloud connection. They are designed to work well in the open neuroscience software ecosystem.

These components are provided in three packages: Radiens Suite, Radiens LIVE, and Radiens SEEK.


We get asked this all the time. Why not just use open-source software available for free rather than paying (a modest amount) for Radiens? Our customers are all smart and dedicated. Given enough time, training, self-study, and help, you can likely figure out how to DIY an open-source solution for your lab and keep it running over time.    

But Ephys is progressing at an increasing rate. Today it is straightforward to conduct a sophisticated experiment with 100s of channels and recording hours resulting in terabytes of raw data. However, it is becoming more difficult to efficiently curate, analyze, and pull meaning from the resulting large, dense datasets. There is a growing unmet need for software solutions that help to both improve raw data quality at the beginning of the workflow and accelerate the pace of discovery throughout the workflow.  The objective is to decrease the time, overall cost, and energy in going from data collection to published papers and successful grants, without tradeoff in experiment sophistication. The Radiens Analytics Suite is designed to address this unmet need through tight integration of probes, instrumentation, and software along with optimized implementations.  

Simply, Radiens allows you to spend more of your time and focus on the science at hand and less time and focus on developing and maintaining your data acquisition and workflow systems.  Its upgradeability helps to future-proof your lab setup.  It’s as straightforward as that. The performance of Radiens and its rich feature set are simply the means to this end.    

The amortized cost of a Radiens license is trivial — about the cost of a good cappuccino and pastry each workday.   

This is why we developed Radiens. We’re interested in how you see it.  Feel free to email Daryl Kipke, NeuroNexus Founder & CEO at: dkipke at

The Radiens system includes radiens, a professional-grade Python package that enables full programmatic control and extension of the three UI-based apps (Allego, Curate, and Videre) via Python (and Matlab) scripts that can alone or alongside the apps themselves.

With Matlab’s built-in compatibility with Python, you also get full programmatic control of the Radiens apps via Matlab.

The radiens Python package implements a comprehensive API that follows the Pythonic sutra.  Both beginner and advanced Python users can write relatively simple scripts to make function calls to running Radiens components in order to perform complex operations reliably and with very high performance. This keeps your scripts ‘thin’, which every Python (and Matlab) developer recognizes as being important for reliable, easier-to-understand code.

This all results in giving you a productivity superpower—relatively little work in resulting in lots of work out—and tremendous time savings. You can focus on studying the brain rather than writing scripts and chasing down bugs.

radiens is available for free download from the Python package repository, PyPI. It requires you to have an active Radiens license for connection to the Radiens system that must be running alongside.

For more information about our Python API flyer, please refer to this link. You can also access our online documentation here at

We designed Radiens from the beginning to be as easy to use as possible, regardless of the type of your computer and—to some degree—your DAQ system.

Radiens runs natively on computers running Windows, MacOS, or Linux. It runs natively on Apple M1 computers. For best performance, the computer should have >16 GB of memory, a reasonably fast solid-state hard drive, and a reasonably fast GPU/graphical engine.

Allego, the DAQ control and recording app, supports the following DAQ hardware out of the box. Simply launch Allego, connect the DAQ system via USB, and start working.

Supported DAQ hardware:

  • SmartBox Classic Hardware
  • SmartBox Pro
  • SmartBox Pro-SiNAPS System Kit
  • XDAQ One System
  • XDAQ Core System
  • All Open Ephys Systems (Old, New)
  • Intan RHD USB2 Interface Hardware
  • Intan recording Controller 512, 1024-Channel Hardware

System Requirements

  • Storage: SSD. Traditional magnetic hard disks may not be fast enough in some recording configurations.
  • USB 3.0
  • CPU – Intel i7-6700k 4-core or equivalent
  • 16 GB RAM minimum

Radiens saves primary time-series data sets (e.g., neural recordings) in a simple, open format.  Each dataset (i.e. recording) is saved in a file set named ‘XDAT’ that consists of three files: (i) flat binary file containing the matrix of all sample values (typical in uV) across the multiple channels, (ii) flat binary file containing all timestamps, (iii) json text file containing enriched metadata.

The XDAT file set can be easily read/written in any relevant programming language, including one-liners in python and Matlab. It is also very fast.

Additionally, Radiens, supports many file types common in Ephys, including both proprietary (NeuroExplorer, Plexon, and open (Neurodata Without Borders, Kilosort2, etc.). We are continuing to increase the number of supported file types.

Symbols: A: Allego; C: Curate; V: Videre; ●: included

DAQ Control A

Audio Monitor: Site Selection A V

Common Average Referencing A C

Customizable Layout: Multi-feature Display

Data Processing Splitter C C

3D Brain Model A V

Event Detection A

File Reader

Filters: Selecting Channels C C

HD Snapshot A V

Impedance Check: Magnitude, Phase A


MPM Integration A

Paired Referencing C

Probe Mapping

Python API A V

Reorder Recording Sites C

Save and Load Setting

Signal Metrics Viewer: Heatmap A V

Signal Processing: Filters A C

Spike Recording Sites

Sorting Recording Sites by Depth A V

Spike Detector A V

Spike Raster A V

Spike Sorter A V

Spike Viewer A V


Radiens is offered in three packages:

  1. Radiens Suite (Allego, Curate, Videre, radiens python package)
  2. Radiens LIVE (Allego, Curate, radiens python package)
  3. Radiens SEEK (Curate, Videre, radiens python package)

Each package is available through a paid perpetual license that includes full access to all app features and regular, incremental updates (delivered automatically via the cloud).

We also offer (and recommend) an annual support package that includes additional technical support, five B-stock probes, and additional benefits.

To order a Radiens™ perpetual license, visit the download page and download and run the appropriate installer.

When starting an app for the first time, you will be prompted to create an account. Once you have done this, email your sales rep or contact us to tell us the email address you used on the account and which package you wish to order.

We are currently offering a significant academic discount for the Radiens packages. Package prices are between $2,500 and $5,000 depending on bundling it with an XDAQ or SmartBox system purchase and the number of seats.

All Radiens™ software manuals can be found here.