Data Acquisition

X-Series : XDAQ Core Family

The newly released XDAQ Core2 is the most future-proof and versatile entry-level ephys hub.  It supports high-quality recording up to 512 channels and electrical stimulation configurable to 16 or 32 channels. This enhanced version of XDAQ Core offers built-in support for Neuropixels right out of the box!

Need even more capability or flexibility? Consider the XDAQ One+.

XDAQ systems run on Radiens™ Allego, with automated data mapping, monitoring, and visualization plus stimulation control.


  • All new second-generation XDAQ hardware: upgraded high-speed, low-latency PC interface
  • Out-of-box support for Neuropixels
  • Supports KONTEX X-Headstages as well as all Intan-compatible headstages
  • Low-cost, flexible HDMI cable
  • Electrically isolated headstage ports for best signal quality
  • Line out for real-time audio monitoring
  • Triggered episodic recording
  • in situ impedance measurement
  • Upgradable functionality

Neuropixels Experiment
2 ports.
Plug-and-play. No need for QBSC. Neuropixels 2.0, coming soon (free firmware upgrade).

XDAQ Core2 Recording Specifications: 512 ch

When used in conjunction with X-Headstage:

  • 16-bit ADC, ± 5 mV input
  • 2.4 μVrms Input-referred noise
  • Hardware HPF: 100 – 20 kHz
  • Hardware LPF: 0.1 – 500 Hz

XDAQ Core2 Stimulation Specifications: 16 ch, 32 ch

  • Constant current, ±10 nA to ±2.5 mA output
  • Flexible waveform: biphasic, triphasic, burst
  • 33 μs minimal time step
  • Stimulation Compliance: ± 7 V

Sampling Rate: 1 kS/s to 30 kS/s per channel


XDAQ Core Recording Specifications*

Sampling Rate 1 kS/s to 30 kS/s per channel

Channel Count 512, 128 per port
Analog IN/OUT  +/- 10 V
Input Inferred Noise 2.4 μVrms
Hardware High-Pass Filter 100 -20 kHz
Hardware Low-Pass Filter 0.1 – 500 Hz

*When used with X-Headstage™

XDAQ Core Simulation Specifications

Available Stimulation Ports Port 1
Channel Count 16, 32
Constant Current Output Amplitude ±10 nA to ±2.5 mA
Waveform Shape Biphasic, Triphasic, Burst
Compliance ± 5 V

When ordering an XDAQ™ Core system, consider the following accompanying products:

  • X-Headstage™ – The X3SR-series is required for stimulation
  • Activus NNx probes – Recording with no headstage needed
  • HDMI Cable(s) – 0.8 m or 3 m
  • IO Expander – Add 6 analog ins and outs to connect more of your experiment to your DAQ

Check X-Series Knowledge Base for a brief overview of the X-Series products and some of its basic functions.

XDAQ Brochure

XDAQ Core2 Flyer

XDAQ Manual

In addition to the ultra-small X-Headstages, XDAQ also supports existing headstages that are compatible with Intan systems, such as those from NeuroNexus and Intan itself. However, an adapter is required to properly re-map the control and data signals to run these headstages and their corresponding accessories.
Fortunately, NeuroNexus offers adapters that allow X-Headstages to interface with existing controllers from Open-Ephys, Intan Controllers, SmartBox, and other similar systems. These adapters also enable XDAQ to use existing Intan-compatible headstages from Smartlink, Intan, and other compatible manufacturers.
NeuroNexus can easily provide adapters for other solutions not already supported. Contact us for more information.

XDAQ to Smart link Adapter
To use NeuroNexus headstages with the XDAQ, simply connect the adapter to the HDMI ports and then use the Smartlink cable to link it up. This will allow you to use the NeuroNexus headstages directly with the XDAQ.

XDAQ to Intan RHS Headstage Adapter

To use the original Intan cables and headstages with the XDAQ, plug in this adapter into the HDMI ports. This will enable you to use the Intan RHS chips directly with the XDAQ. It’s worth noting that each adapter has the capability to drive up to 2 Intan RHS chips.


XDAQ to Intan RHD Headstage Adapter

To use the original Intan cables and headstages with the XDAQ, simply plug in this adapter to the HDMI ports. This will allow you to connect the Intan RHD chips directly to the XDAQ using the original cables and headstages. Keep in mind that each adapter has the capacity to drive up to 4 Intan RHD chips.