
Neuronal coding of predictions

In their Science Advances publication, Ana B. Lao-Rodríguez, Karol Przewrocki, David Pérez-González et al. used NeuroNexus A4x16-Poly2-5mm-23s-200-177-H64LP_30mm and A4x16-2.5mm-tet/lin-300/125-333-121/177-PC-H64LP_30mm probes to perform chronic, single-unit recordings in field A1 of auditory cortex in head-fixed mice. Their average unit yield across recording sessions was over 0.7 neurons per channel. The study, with Bernhard Englitz at Radboud University in collaboration with Manuel S. Malmierca’s group at the University of Salamanca, tested neuronal coding of prediction by recording responses to a regular sequence of tones with occasional tone omissions. The omission responses were also recorded in both awake and anesthetized conditions to confirm the influence of the behavioral state on the neuronal representation of predictions.

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